最後更新時間: 2025 年 01 月 20 日
對許多學生而言,留學申請的過程僅僅到「收到 Offer」那一刻為止。然而,你知道通過一封信件,往往有高機率為自己省下數十萬甚至百萬元的學費嗎?在收到 Offer 後,寫一封好的郵件去向學校談判獎學金金額,可能是學生時代「時薪」最高的一件事情了,準備兩三個小時撰寫郵件、就有機會省下 30+ 萬台幣的學費!
其實獎學金談判就跟求職收到 Offer 後的薪水談判概念雷同,通過其他 Offer、說明自身價值、該校與你的連結等等方式,去說服學校拿出更多獎學金留下你!千萬不要害怕說去談判就會被撤回 Offer!
本文將介紹如何進行留學獎學金的談判,並提供「四個」實際範例郵件內容。從原本分享一篇範例,到後面越來越多讀者回報自己也成功談判,我也收到更多人分享的範例郵件,目前已經成功省下超過 100 萬的學費!
- Merit-based 優異表現獎學金:基於申請者的學術成就、工作經歷、領導能力、檢定成績或其他卓越表現頒發的。
- Need-based 基於需求的獎學金:基於申請者的經濟需求、過往薪資水準頒發的,主要目的是幫助無法承擔高額學費的學生。
👇🏻 插播一則模擬面試資訊~ 相信看這篇文章的大家都已經拿到 Offer,準備出國留學了!👇🏻
Jason 學長限量模擬面試 Mock Interview!
🎯 如果對模擬面試有興趣,歡迎點 👉🏻 模擬面試(留學) 或 模擬面試(求職)
💡 頂尖 MBA&外商面試經驗:有系統性地梳理潛在題目,提升面試成功轉化率
👉🏻 深度個人化指導:梳理亮點並結合求職目標,挖掘過往經驗中的關鍵優勢
📌 面試技能全面升級:真實情境模擬,涵蓋自我介紹、動機問題、行為面試及情境題型、提問環節等
真實範例一(美國 MBA)
本篇郵件範例成功在原先 45k 美金獎學金的基礎上,額外拿到 10k 美金的學費減免!超級感謝熱心分享本範例的好心人,也希望大家可以斬獲更多獎學金~(期待聽到大家的好消息)
以下以 [Dream School MBA] 表示談判對象(夢想學校)、[Another MBA] 為另一間對標的學校
郵件主旨:Request for Scholarship Reassessment_[Name]_Admitted Student (Class of 20XX)
Dear Scholarship Committee,
I want to express my sincere gratitude for granting me a $45,000 (35%) merit scholarship. This scholarship has been a significant contribution and played a crucial role in my decision-making process. However, after carefully evaluating my financial situation and considering the competing offer from [Another MBA] (XX% Fellowship, full insurance coverage, lower costs of living, and a two-year program bearing lower risk in the tech recruiting recession), I find myself in a difficult position.
The entrepreneurial spirit has always guided my MBA application journey, and both [Dream School MBA] and [Another MBA] stand out as beacons of innovation. While [Another MBA] boasts a robust entrepreneurship center and Entrepreneurial Innovation Academy, [Dream School MBA]’s Studio curriculum and multidisciplinary cohorts perfectly align with my vision of empowering women in tech, revolutionizing floral start-up through technology, and eradicating educational barriers for underprivileged children.
Community engagement is more than a passion; it’s my way of life. In the workforce, I witnessed gender imbalances and took action by organizing Information Security workshops. I am fully committed to bringing my values and experiences to initiatives supporting women in technology, both within the [Dream School MBA] community and the broader tech industry. The Women’s Management Council, Break Through Tech, and Women in Business are where I intend to make a significant impact.
Moreover, the Startup Studio at [Dream School MBA] presents an unparalleled opportunity to fuel my entrepreneurial ambitions. As an aspiring floral designer at XXX, Taiwan’s largest floral startup, I am eager to leverage AI and UI/UX tools to manage inventory and foster creativity. My experiences managing events for renowned luxury brands have highlighted the potential of AI in revolutionizing small businesses across industries. The vibrant art scene of New York City and [Dream School MBA]’s proximity to the Flower District provides an ideal environment for exploration and innovation.
Lastly, I firmly believe in the potential of youth as the cornerstone of our future. The vision of K-12 schools deeply resonates with my lifelong mission to dismantle educational barriers through technological innovation. My involvement with the founder of XXX, an online learning tech start-up, has provided me with invaluable resources to pursue my passion for education. Moreover, I actively engage in community-building endeavors…, advocating for fundraising efforts to secure educational rights for rural children… My conviction in the transformative power of technology to improve our world remains unwavering.
Since applying to your MBA program, I have meticulously planned my career path in product development, passing rigorous internal Apple examinations and actively networking with [Dream School MBA]’s incoming candidates and alumni at target companies like Apple and Google. Observing challenges in Taiwan, such as study-abroad loan barriers, I am heartened by the experience of incoming student XXX in navigating the loan market for underserved students. Our planned meeting in Taiwan has reinforced my belief in the warmth and resilience of the [Dream School MBA] community, and I am excited to learn and grow alongside the class of 2025.
Despite coming from an underprivileged family, I am determined to self-fund my MBA. However, existing family responsibilities and limited loan options for Taiwanese students pose significant challenges. Therefore, I respectfully request the Scholarship Committee’s reconsideration of my scholarship offer in light of the competitive offer from [Another MBA]. My hope is to secure additional financial aid or an assistantship, increasing the scholarship amount to at least 80% of the total tuition, if not more. This extra support would enable me to fully commit myself to the program and make meaningful contributions to the [Dream School MBA] community.
Although I have the opportunity to negotiate for a higher scholarship offer from [Another MBA], I have consciously decided not to pursue it. The sentiment echoed in your admissions letter, “We have chosen you – now, the choice is yours,” resonated deeply within me, affirming my unwavering commitment to your esteemed MBA program. Amidst the sea of thousands of applicants, I firmly believe in my ability to bring forth unique perspectives and values shaped by my life journey. As the proud female [Dream School MBA] candidate from Taiwan, I am driven to amplify program visibility and forge robust connections within Taiwan’s tech hub through initiatives like admissions coffee chats.
Your time, consideration, and assistance in this matter are deeply appreciated. I am prepared to provide any additional documentation or engage in further discussions as needed. I eagerly await your favorable response and the opportunity to contribute to the transformative journey of [Dream School MBA]’s MBA program.
Best regards,
Admitted [Dream School MBA] Candidate, Class of 2025
真實範例二(英國 MBA)
這篇範例的由來特別特殊!是一位讀者看到本篇文章後,參考範例一並成功在原先 20% 獎學金的基礎上,額外拿到 10% 學費減免,通過一封郵件省下了 5000 多英鎊學費(約合 20 多萬台幣)。
- 第一段 開門見山
- 第二段 why school
- 第三段 展現實力
- 第四段 強調需求
以下以 [A School] 表示談判對象(夢想學校)、[B School] 為另一間對標的學校
郵件主旨:[A School] – MBA Full Time – Scholarship Reconsideration
Dear XXX,
I hope this message finds you well.
Thank you for your great support. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to [A School]’s Selection Committee for the scholarship offer of £10,000 (20%) for the MBA program. I am truly honoured by the opportunity to potentially join such a prestigious institution. This scholarship has been a significant factor in my decision-making process. However, after carefully evaluating my financial situation and considering [B School]’s competing offer of a 50% scholarship (£25,000), I find myself in a difficult position.
[B School]’s offer significantly alleviates the financial burden, but my preference remains with [A School] for several reasons: being recognized for embodying the Change Maker ethos is an honour, and I am committed to contributing to the school community; [A School]’s extensive global alumni network offers invaluable support for mentorship, networking, and career advancement; and [A School]’s curriculum in social and environmental sustainability aligns perfectly with my career goals, enabling me to drive positive change in supply chain management and sustainable business practices.With over XXX of professional experience in the XXX sectors, I bring valuable insights and skills to the MBA program. My vision includes creating an inclusive learning environment that celebrates diverse perspectives. My experience in navigating cultural nuances and leading cross-functional teams will facilitate meaningful discussions and collaborations within the MBA class. My proficiency in managing multi-project collaborations across various internal divisions and international business partners has honed my ability to effectively communicate, negotiate, and lead diverse teams. These skills will enrich classroom discussions and group projects, fostering innovative ideas. My commitment to driving positive change and my proven leadership track record will leave a lasting impact on the MBA program, inspiring fellow participants towards collective growth and success.
Despite the recent weakening of the [某國貨幣] significantly impacting my financial situation, I am determined to self-fund my MBA. However, the fluctuation in currency exchange rates has increased the overall cost of my education abroad, making it more challenging to cover expenses. This factor makes the need for increased financial support even more crucial.
Given the substantial difference in scholarship amounts, I respectfully request if [A School] could reconsider and potentially increase the scholarship offer. I am open to discussing any additional financial aid or assistantship that could help bridge the gap. This extra support would enable me to fully commit to the program and make meaningful contributions to the [A School] MBA community.
Your time, consideration, and assistance in this matter are deeply appreciated. I am prepared to provide any additional documentation or engage in further discussions as needed. I eagerly await your favourable response and the opportunity to contribute to [A School]’s MBA program.
Warm regards,
[Name]Admitted [A School] Full-time MBA Candidate, Class of XXXX
真實範例三(美國 EE 理工科碩士)
這篇範例更加厲害,即便兩間學校 (A & B University) 都沒有拿到獎學金,但依然通過這封郵件,成功從無獎學金要到 US $10,000/y 的獎學金。每年省下三十幾萬的學費!
Dear XXX,
I am writing to discuss the possibility of receiving a scholarship from [A University] as I have recently been admitted to the Electrical Engineering program. While I have also received an offer from [B University], I am particularly drawn to [A University] for its renowned faculty, exceptional resources, and strong industry connections.
I am impressed by [A University] faculty members’ dedication to the design of integrated circuits, which aligns perfectly with my academic interests and career goals. Additionally, [A University]’s network with top companies in the industry presents enticing opportunities for practical experience and networking.
Considering the financial aspects of pursuing higher education, I would greatly appreciate any information or guidance regarding scholarship opportunities at [A University], especially those tailored to students in the Electrical Engineering program.
I am committed to making a positive contribution to the [A University] community and am eager to capitalize on the opportunities available to me. With your support, I am confident that I can achieve my academic and professional aspirations.
Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response and am available for further discussions at your convenience.
Warm regards,
[Name]真實範例四(歐洲學校 MiM)
這篇範例也非常值得參考!讀者看了這篇文章後,鼓起勇氣向學校申請、談判爭取獎學金的可能性,最後成功拿到 20+ 萬台幣的獎金 Fellowship。也很感謝她主動分享這個範例,讓更多人可以參考~ 希望大家都能成功拿到更多獎學金,並與我分享你的範例和成功秘訣~
Dear XXX,
I hope this message finds you well.
I am writing to discuss the possibility of receiving a scholarship from [A School], as I have been admitted to the MiM program. I am impressed by [A School]’s emphasis on diversity, which aligns perfectly with my motivations, academic interests, and career goals.
With over four sorts of professional experience across various scales of organizations and industries, and a degree in XXX, I believe I will bring valuable insights and skills to the MiM program. My vision includes creating an inclusive learning environment that celebrates diverse perspectives. My proficiency in managing multiple project collaborations across various functions has honed my ability to effectively communicate, collaborate, and contribute my solid data analytics and marketing skills within the MiM class. These skills will enrich classroom discussions and group projects, fostering innovative ideas.
Given the substantial amount of the scholarship, I respectfully request that [A School] reconsider and potentially grant the scholarship offer. I am open to discussing any additional financial aid or assistantships. This extra support would enable me to fully commit to the program and make meaningful contributions to the [A School] MiM community. With your support, I am confident that I can achieve my academic and professional aspirations.
Your time, consideration, and assistance in this matter are deeply appreciated. I am prepared to provide any additional documentation or engage in further discussions as needed. I eagerly await your favorable response and the opportunity to contribute to [A School]’s MiM program.
Thank you very much.
Warm regards,
- 簡潔明瞭:直接切入主題、介紹自己並說明寫信的目的。
- 明確意圖:表達您希望獲得更多的財務 Support。如果有拿到其他學校的 offer,甚至是拿到其他學校提供的獎學金,都可以用比較的方式進行談判。比如說:說明兩校的差異、目前收到獎學金的金額、雖然其他學校的成本較低但是你很希望就讀這間學校,因此希望貴校可以提供更多獎學金等等。
這邊的 Body Paragraph 則是帶到剛剛提到的用兩個角度去做切入(優異+需求)!
- 展示實力(優異):介紹你的學術成就、工作經歷和背景等等,以及這些經驗將可以如何「貢獻」到學校跟課堂上、提升課堂交流等等。
- 強調需求(需求):說明你的財務狀況和需要更多資助的原因,可能是減輕學貸負擔以全心全力地致力於留學體驗和學習投入等等。
- 表達感謝:感謝對方的時間和考慮,並歡迎他們如果有任何疑問都可以隨時向你提出或索取資料。
- 期待回覆:表達期望得到對方的回覆,甚至提供你有空的時間讓他們約線上會議討論等等。
在談判過程中,展現你獨特的自我價值非常重要。這不僅僅限於學術或職涯成就,還包括你的個人特質、價值觀、社會責任感和未來的發展潛力。學校希望將獎學金跟學校資源投資在一個有潛力和未來價值的學生上。因此,在談判郵件中,建議總結一些你曾在 Essay 中提及的優勢或特點,重新提醒招生官你是一個值得投資的學生。
如同申請 Essay 中需要明確表達 “Why School?”,明確表達你打算如何通過這間學校去達到你的目標。在郵件中也可以特別提及為什麼非這間學校不可,這間學校可以提供你什麼特別的東西是其他學校無法的,例如:地理位置、產業聚集、職涯資源、特色課程等等。重新提醒招生官說雖然你也有收穫其他學校的 Offer,甚至其他學校給的獎學金更高,但我依然想要來你們學校,只差最後臨門一腳,希望他們能給出更多的獎學金留下你。
- 保持禮貌:無論結果如何,都應保持禮貌和尊重。須注意郵件禮儀,並在提交前也可以善用 AI 去識別出是否有不適當 inappropriate 的用語。
- 控管期待:即使寫郵件去談判獎學金是一件有利無弊的事情。然而,也要先設定好自己的期待,並非永遠都能順利拿下更多的獎學金。
- 準備充分:準備好所有相關資料,找出閃光點,並在簡短的郵件中精確說明。
- 主動積極:平時主動參與學校的 Information Sessions 等活動,都有助於你在招生官心中留下印象。在整個過程中有主動積極 proactive 的行為,絕對對你有所幫助。
- 表現自信:自信地展示自己的實力和需求,不需要在你的 Impact 或經驗上太過謙虛。
- 優秀的學術、考試成績:部分學校的優秀獎學金 (Merit-based Scholarship) 評估是根據 GPA、GMAT/GRE 和面試或 Essay,因此 GMAT/GRE 的高分對錄取和獲得獎學金都有正向的影響。更多內容可參考這篇文章「GMAT/GRE Optional,我還要考嗎?10 步驟教你做決定!你需要知道的都在這篇文章!」
- 積極參與活動、展現獨特性:參與學術研究、社會服務和課外活動,展示綜合素質。
- 精心準備申請材料:撰寫出色的個人陳述和推薦信,突出自己的優勢和特點,並在郵件中通過統整重點重新提醒。
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- ✍🏻 文書編修&深度諮詢(SOP, PS, CV, 推薦信):超過百人好評!帶你精準表述自身經驗,為成功錄取夢校鋪路! 從故事挖掘、架構調整到語言修飾,全方位讓申請文書煥然一新,一起寫出有邏輯且吸引人的故事!
- 📌 模擬面試(求職&留學):1 對 1 狙擊弱點、實戰提升熟練度:提高面試通過率|深挖優勢、練就自信,一次練習全面提升,從容應對面試!全方位支持,為你開啟職場新篇章!
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