最後更新時間: 2025 年 01 月 17 日
今天邀請到 2023 年從 SMU MITB 畢業後,成功留在新加坡工作的 Yi-Ning 分享她在新加坡留學的心得以及 SMU MITB 是如何助力她在海外求職的經歷。Yi-Ning 從台北大學畢業後,前往新加坡就讀 SMU MITB,並在入學後於新加坡的 ESTEE LAUDER 實習,最終從 SMU 畢業後順利留在新加坡工作!
SMU Master of IT in Business (MITB) 科系介紹
新興技術正飛速發展,為了滿足全新的市場需求,商業信息技術碩士 (Master of IT in Business, MITB) 項目不斷與時俱進,緊跟商業 IT 市場趨勢,專為就業打造全方位課程。MITB 項目隸屬新加坡管理大學計算機與信息系統學院 (SMU School of Computing and Information Systems, SCIS),包含四個熱門方向:
- 分析學 (Analytics)
- 人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence)
- 金融科技與分析學 (Financial Technology & Analytics)
- 數字化轉型 (Digital Transformation)
SMU MITB 在 2025 年 QS 全球商業分析類碩士排名中,位列亞洲第 2、全球第 24,並已連續六年蟬聯亞洲前兩名。MITB 立足於將技術置於商業環境中,並將其與領導、管理和溝通巧相結合,為學生在課堂上提供實際的專案經驗和豐富的帶薪實習項目,從而提升他們的就業前景,助力他們攀登職業生涯高峰。因此,要想在激烈的行業競爭中脫穎而出,SMU MITB 無疑是最佳選擇之一。
- 與時俱進,貼合行業發展的課程
MITB 課程設置緊跟最新的 IT 市場趨勢和技術,完全為學生就業而服務。
- 世界一流的教師團隊
MITB 師資團隊擁有十分豐富的業界背景,導師們不僅注重理論的教學,更加註重知識的應用與實踐,為學生提供真實的職業場景。
- 就業率高,畢業生受各大名企青睞
從 2023 屆就業報告可以看出,近 9 成的同學在畢業後 6 個月內找到工作,平均年薪 S$72,990(175 萬台幣)且他們大部分都入職了世界頂尖公司,如 Amazon、花旗銀行、寶盛銀行、Google、Grab、Facebook、聯想、麥肯錫、華僑銀行、Shopee、渣打銀行和大華銀行等全球知名企業。
- 拓展人脈的良機
MITB 課程在很多跨國公司和頂尖企業享有盛譽,學生可從中擴展人脈、尋找實習機會,此外,MITB 還積極開展交換生項目,學生可去往芬蘭、日本、印尼、荷蘭、西班牙等國家的優秀高校開拓視野。
- 豐富的實習項目和強大的就業服務
MITB 提供新加坡高校最長實習期(6 個月)以拓展畢業生掌握行業技能的空間,不同於 SMU 其他專業,MITB 每個專業方向都有就業指導老師和大學職業服務辦公室一起,幫助同學們去進行實習機會的申請。
MITB 與全球多家公司和機構開展合作,為學生提供校內職業介紹會、社交活動和企業參訪機會,幫助學生與新加坡當地商界建立密切聯繫。
請簡單自我介紹,包含目前在新加坡的職位工作以及在 SMU MITB 中的學習經歷(學經歷)
嗨大家好,我是 Yi-Ning,目前在電子製造業擔任戰略規劃分析師。2021 年 8 月的時候來到新加坡讀碩士,課程期間也進行了 6 個月的實習。
當初的想法是已經在經濟系學了理論基礎,想要再進修一些 technical skills,讓自己的履歷看起來是理論+工具的 profile,大學期間修過統計和 Python 等跟數據分析有關的課程也覺得滿喜歡的,所以就放心地往這個方向發展了。
SMU MITB 課程經歷&對職涯的影響
當初為什麼選擇 SMU MITB?該課程如何幫助你從經濟學背景轉換到技術和分析領域?
當初在選擇學校的時候考量的重點是就業,MITB 畢業要求 6 個月實習及新加坡提供畢業生一年的簽證找工作,SMU 在新加坡的認可度也高,以我個人的經驗,學歷是有效轉換成履歷。
MITB 課程中的哪些課程或 Program 對你的職涯最有幫助?(例如 SQL 資料管理、Tableau 視覺分析、Python 文本分析等)
Data Analytics Lab, Visual Analytics 和 Data Management 這幾堂課我都滿喜歡的,有幫助我累積作品。基本上每堂課的 materials 都很不錯,不過以求職來說的話會需要自己額外花時間精進 coding 能力。
SMU MITB 的哪些資源(如教授、職業輔導、校友人脈等),對於你在新加坡找工作特別有幫助?
Career coach 給的履歷修改建議、模擬面試還有校內招聘網站都非常實用。我的實習是透過校內招聘網站得到的,在實習期間需要寫每月回顧,結束時也需要 present。在寫履歷的時候,會感謝學校有要我們做這件事,回顧很重要!
MITB 每個 track 都設有一個 practicum manager 負責實習的事務,對外,公司想要找相關專業的實習生時知道要找誰,猜測因為有這個職位的設置,會有多一些專門招 MITB 學生的實習;對內,practicum manager 也會 follow up 實習的狀況。
SMU MITB 課程的價值&給學弟妹的建議
綜合來說,你認為 SMU MITB 如何幫助你準備數據分析及商業領域的職涯?有什麼優勢是其他類似科系或學校可能無法提供的?
MITB 每堂課都需要做個人或團體的 project,是個累積作品的機會。優勢的部分,我覺得是提供非常多樣化的課程,選課自由度大,可以修其他 track 的課,想走 finance 可以修 fintech track 的課,想打磨 coding 可以修 AI track 的課,以及某些課一年會開兩次,因此可以依照課程強度及實習規劃做安排,不用擔心這學期沒修到某堂課就沒機會了。
如果有人對 SMU MITB 感興趣,你會給他們什麼建議?在前往新加坡讀書生活前,有哪些特別的技能或心態需要準備,可以讓讀者更快適應?
額外加碼:直面 SMU 教授和面試官
今天我特別邀請到 SMU 的教授跟面試官從課程設計、學生能力培養、業界需求等角度出發,讓大家能夠更深入了解他們學校特色和對學生職涯發展的幫助。是第一次邀請到校方人員直接分享一手 Insights,不管對科系或職場的見解都超級乾貨!(同時我也把教授的英文回覆原文一併附上)
請問您能分享 SMU MITB 課程的核心目標嗎?在課程設計上是如何平衡技術技能和商業洞察的?
MITB 課程的核心重點是培養與行業相關的,強大的計算技能,並提升批判性思維、分析能力、數據專業知識,以及如溝通和學習能力等軟技能。學會學習是指在快速變化的技術環境中適應並獲取新知識的能力。
MITB 通過結合理論知識與實際應用,平衡了技術與商業技能。實踐性的課堂評估和項目促進了計算與分析思維的發展,同時幫助學生將人工智能和技術整合進商業背景。以團隊為基礎的項目,向教授或行業贊助商做展示,有助於增強在現實應用中至關重要的溝通技能。我們還與行業專業人士合作,通過嘉賓講座、互動課程和真實數據項目,培養學生的適應能力和解決問題的能力。學生還有機會參加實習,提供大規模的實踐經驗,或參與以前沿研究為重點的 capstone project,為他們應對行業挑戰裝備先進技能。
The core focus of the MITB curriculum is to develop strong computing skills that are industry-relevant, along with critical thinking, analytical abilities, data expertise, and soft skills like communication and learning-to-learn. Learning-to-learn is the ability to adapt and acquire new knowledge to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
The programme balances technical and business skills by combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications. Hands-on class assessments and projects develop computational and analytical thinking while helping students integrate AI and technology into business contexts. Team-based projects, presented to professors or industry sponsors, enhance essential communication skills essential for real-world applications. We also collaborate with industry professionals through guest lectures, interactive sessions, and real-world data projects builds adaptability and problem-solving abilities. Students also have opportunities for internships, offering large-scale practical experience, or capstone projects focused on cutting-edge research, equipping them with advanced skills for industry challenges.
MITB 課程有哪些課程或專案是您認為對學生的職涯發展最有幫助的?學生通常會從這些課程中獲得哪些具體技能?
我們課程的核心課程(三門課程)和專業核心課程(四門課程)對學生的職業發展非常有益。核心課程為學生提供了 Python 編程、計算思維、基於證據的統計分析、商業建模(將商業問題轉換為數學問題)和解決問題的基礎技能,這些都是數據科學職業所必需的。分析專業的核心課程專注於高級技術技能,包括商業智能、機器學習,以及使用關係型(SQL)和大數據(NoSQL)數據庫進行數據管理。學生還將深入了解技術架構,涵蓋數據治理、安全性、可擴展性和集成等領域。這些技能使學生能夠有效支持企業在數據驅動項目中的應用,並解決該領域的複雜挑戰。
Our programme’s core curriculum (three courses) and track core courses (four courses) are highly beneficial for students’ career development. The core curriculum equips students with foundational skills in Python programming, computational thinking, evidence-based analysis using statistics, business modeling (converting business problems into mathematical problems), and problem-solving—all essential for a career in data science. The Analytics track core courses focus on advanced technical skills, including business intelligence, machine learning, and data management using relational (SQL) and big data (NoSQL) databases. Students also gain insights into technology architecture, covering areas like data governance, security, scalability, and integration. These skills prepare students to effectively support businesses in data-driven projects and address complex challenges in the field.
MITB 課程如何確保學生的技能符合業界需求?是否有與企業合作的專案或實習機會來提升學生的實務經驗?
與行業的合作是我們課程的重要組成部分,確保學生獲得與行業相關的技能。在課程層面,我們通過納入行業夥伴的反饋來設計課程,使我們的課程與當前行業需求保持一致。課外活動包括研討會,讓學生與行業專家互動,以獲取更廣泛的見解。在課堂層面,行業嘉賓講者和行業贊助的課堂項目將現實世界的觀點直接引入學習環境。學生可以參加實習和 Capstone Project,獲得實踐經驗並從行業獲得指導,以在實際環境中應用他們的技能。此外,在學校層面,各種研究中心與國家研究機構和私營公司合作,為學生提供參與影響力項目的機會,進一步發展實用技能。這些多層次的合作確保學生能夠充分準備,以珍貴的能處理現實世界問題的專業知識来滿足行業需求。
Collaboration with industry is integral to our programme, ensuring students gain industry-relevant skills. At the programme level, we involve industry partners in curriculum design by incorporating their feedback to align our courses with current industry needs. Out-of-class contexts include seminars where students engage with industry experts to gain broader insights. At the class level, industry guest speakers and industry-sponsored class projects bring real-world perspectives directly into the learning environment. Students can participate in internships and capstone projects, gaining hands-on experience and mentorship from industry to apply their skills in practical settings. Additionally, at the school level, various research centers collaborate with national research agencies and private companies, offering students opportunities to engage in impactful projects and further develop practical skills. These multi-level collaborations ensure students are well-prepared to meet industry demands with valuable, real-world expertise.
您認為目前企業在數據分析和商業科技領域最看重的技能或特質是什麼?MITB 如何幫助學生培養這些特質?
MITB 通過嚴格的課堂評估和項目來培養這些技能。教師在從構思到模型設計和評估的過程中指導學生。基於團隊的項目促進了與來自不同背景的同學的合作與學習。學生們展示他們的工作並獲得建設性的反饋,確保他們為分析領域做好充分準備。
The most important skills in business analytics are an analytical mindset and critical thinking. These enable you to question data and model results to address problems effectively and support sound business decision-making. That said, technical skills are equally important — sharpen your programming skills, strengthen your understanding of statistics and mathematics, and gain a deep knowledge of how algorithms and machine learning models work, including their parameters. These technical foundations are essential for applying analytics effectively.
MITB develops these skills through rigorous class assessments and projects. Faculty members mentor students from idea conceptualization to model design and evaluation. Team-based projects foster collaboration and learning from peers with diverse backgrounds. Students present their work and receive constructive feedback, ensuring they are well-prepared for the analytics field.
您是否有觀察到 MITB 畢業生在職場上的成就或影響?是否可以分享一些成功案例,說明這些學生如何應用他們在課程中學到的知識和技能?
當然,我們的畢業生在各種與數據相關的職位上取得了成功,如數據分析師、數據科學家、數據工程師、顧問和產品分析師。例如,一位畢業生加入了一家大型電子商務公司,應用機器學習模型進行反洗錢工作。另一位畢業生(來自台灣),在加入 MITB 時剛剛畢業,沒有任何計算背景,但她成功地在四大顧問公司獲得了數據實習生的實習機會,並成功轉正為數位化方案助理。同樣,另一位台灣校友之前擔任市場專員,轉職至一家大型科技公司的產品分析師角色。她現在利用自己的數據分析技能來提升運營效率。這些例子顯示,我們的畢業生不僅能夠獲得有價值的職位,還能有效運用他們的技能解決商業挑戰。
Certainly, our graduates have achieved success in various data-related roles such as data analyst, data scientist, data engineer, consultant, and product analyst. For instance, one graduate joined a large eCommerce company applied machine learning models for anti-money laundering. Another graduate (from Taiwan), who was a fresh graduate when she joined MITB, had no prior computing background, secured an internship as a data intern at a Big Four consulting firm and successfully converted it into a full-time role as a Digital Solutions Associate. Similarly, another Taiwanese alumnus who previously worked as a marketing specialist transitioned into a product analyst role at a major technology company. She now leverages her data analytics skills to enhance operational efficiency. These examples show that our graduates not only secure valued positions but also effectively apply their skills to solve business challenges.
您會給想要申請 MITB 課程的學生什麼建議?他們應該具備什麼樣的背景或技能來最大化學習效果?
To be honest, your background or prior skills matter less than your attitude. What’s most important is a positive mindset, a willingness to learn, and the openness to build on your strengths while addressing your weaknesses. Our programme is designed to train students from diverse fields, including business, finance, accounting, sciences, arts, economics, engineering, and computing. Regardless of your starting point, our industry-relevant curriculum and practice-based assessments ensure meaningful learning.
My advice to applicants is to understand your motivation for pursuing this master’s degree, maintain a positive and inquisitive attitude, collaborate closely with teammates (who often bring valuable experience and domain knowledge), and enjoy the journey. With this approach, you will naturally maximize your learning outcomes!
您認為什麼樣的候選人最適合 MITB 課程?在面試過程中,您會特別關注候選人哪些方面的表現(例如技術背景、解決問題的能力、商業洞察)?
最適合 MITB 的申請者是能展現出學習的意願、好奇的心態、邏輯思維以及對數學的合理理解。在面試過程中,我會尋找能夠清晰解釋過去項目的候選人,能夠在被要求提供更多細節時邏輯性地思考和呈現信息,並展現謙遜——我完全能夠接受你不了解所有的東西。具有強烈學習欲望的謙虛個體,才能夠很好地把握課程中提供的衆多機會。
An applicant best suited for MITB demonstrates a willingness to learn, a curious mindset, logical thinking, and a reasonable appreciation of mathematics. During the interview, I look for candidates who can clearly explain their past projects, think and present information logically when asked for more details, and show humility—it’s perfectly fine not to know everything. Humble individuals with a strong desire to learn are well-positioned to seize the many opportunities available in the programme.
我的答案和上一題一樣: 我希望申請人願意學習、態度積極、充分了解自己,並能合乎邏輯地提出解決方案。申請人還應該對開發程式設計和數學等關鍵技能持開放態度。
My answer remains the same as before: I look for applicants who are willing to learn, have a positive attitude, understand themselves well, and can present solutions logically. Applicants should also be open to developing key skills such as programming and math.
Typically, I will have a casual conversation to understand the applicant’s career aspirations and experiences better. In some cases, we may discuss a practical business scenario involving data, giving the applicant an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of how data can solve real-world problems. To prepare for the interview, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your career motivations and be ready to engage in deeper discussions about your past projects or any scenarios presented during the interview.
I wouldn’t say there’s one applicant who left a super strong impression, but generally, the ones who do well are well-prepared, confident, and natural—they’re just themselves. The interviews aren’t scary, and the interviewers are friendly folks, don’t worry, no need to stress. My advice? Just be yourself, relax, listen to the question, and answer it thoughtfully. And please, skip the rehearsed scripts—you’re much better off being genuine.
作為面試官,您有沒有給即將進入 MITB 的學生的建議?他們應該專注培養哪些技能,以便在畢業後在職場上脫穎而出?
當然!首先,技術技能和軟技能是相輔相成的。從我的觀察來看,雇主喜歡那些概念清晰的學生(所以,是的,要在課堂上專心聽講,並在 MITB 課程中認真完成作業和項目——這是值得的!)。
Sure! First off, technical skills and soft skills go hand-in-hand. From what I’ve seen, employers love students who are clear in their concepts (so, yes, pay attention in class and do your assignments and projects diligently in MITB — it’s worth it!). They also appreciate people who are independent and take initiative. When you’re given a task, don’t just wait for instructions—analyze the problem, explore solutions, and try things out. If you’re unsure, clarify requirements, but don’t forget to work well with others. Be respectful, meet deadlines, and contribute positively to your team. Employers notice these things, and trust me, they’ll help you shine after graduation.
「學會學習」和對 Feedback 保持積極的態度!MITB 為我們的畢業生提供了在數字驅動市場中具備競爭力的技術技能,但在快速變化的技術時代,持續學習和適應是至關重要的。MITB 課程中強調的「學會學習」的技能應該在職場中應用,以保持不斷成長和進步。反饋和變化是不可避免的——評估需要改進的地方、如何實施改進,以及哪些技術是真正有益的。
不要追逐每一個「炒作」的趨勢;利用在 MITB 中獲得的批判性和分析思維技能,找到解決組織實際痛點的方案。
“Learning-to-learn” and maintaining a positive attitude towards feedback! MITB equips our graduates with competitive technical skills for a digitally-driven market, but in an era of rapid technological change, continuous learning and adaptation are crucial. The “learning-to-learn” skill emphasized in MITB curriculum should be applied in the workforce to keep growing and evolving. Feedback and change are inevitable—evaluate what needs improvement, how to implement it, and which technologies are truly beneficial. Don’t chase every “hype” trend; use the critical and analytical thinking skills gained from MITB to find solutions that address your organization’s real pain points. If you focus on solving problems at hand, won’t career progress follow naturally?
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