感謝信讓我錦上添花,面試隔一天直接收到哥大 MBA Offer!

最後更新時間: 2024 年 05 月 07 日



一封好的感謝信不僅可以讓你錦上添花,甚至能讓你力挽狂瀾!感謝信不只是「走流程」,如果想要讓它發揮作用,最重要的是建立 Personal Connection、重申你的志向及把握最後的機會彌補面試的小錯誤!


感謝信 Thank-You Email 內容大綱

  1. 表達感謝
  2. 引用你們的談話內容,建立連接並展現你有認真聽他所說的話或給的建議
  3. 補充你漏掉忘記提到的內容或是搞砸的問題(如適用)
  4. 強調自己的興趣與志向;再次感謝並歡迎面試官提問

郵件標題可以參考:”Thank You” – [你的名字] – XXX Interview


感謝信除了表達你對面試官的感謝以外,還可以分享你在面試過程中所學到的寶貴經驗,並強調你對該機會的渴望和打算如何運用它來實現你的目標。除此之外,還可以提及面試中沒有回答好的問題,或是你們交流的細節,特別是當時你覺得聊的特別好,讓面試官很 Impressive 的話題~



我出版了一本電子書 👉🏻:英文面試大揭密:帶你輕鬆拿下留學和求職面試(附:預測問題+答題思路),適用於留學申請&求職。你將快速全方位掌握面試心態、故事撰寫、面試準備跟應對方式!



Dear [Recruiter’s Name],

I wanted to express my gratitude for our conversation today. It was truly a pleasure discussing ideas with you. In response to your question about strategies to [XXX], I think another interesting approach would be [XXX](這邊用來補充面試中沒有回答得很好的部分 / 或是提供更多資訊).


I also want to express my enthusiasm for the opportunity to contribute to [Company’s Name]. What really excites me is the chance to take all my skills and experiences and channel them into [Company’s Name]. It’s the perfect fusion of everything I love doing and where I can make the biggest impact. And that is what makes [Company’s Name] where I want to go next in my career.

Thank you once again for considering my candidacy. I am excited about the opportunity and looking forward to the next steps.

[Your Name]
Tel: +886 (912) 345-678 | Email: XXX@gmail.com | LinkedIn

升學 – 範例一(普通版)

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know my story. It was such a pleasure to learn about the [School]’s community and what makes the [School] experience unique. I’m very excited about the opportunity to attend and collaborate with the classmates so we collectively learn, grow, and seek out professional opportunities that impact our global community.

I really enjoyed hearing your perspective on what characteristics you recognize in the fellow students at [School] that excel. At [School], being able to make connections with career coaches, students, and clubs will enable me to gain experiences to learn more about who I am as a leader. And I’m really looking forward to continuing to learn more about the school.

Thank you again for your time. I look forward to hearing from you about the next steps in the admissions process, and please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide additional information.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]
Tel: +886 (912) 345-678 | Email: XXX@gmail.com | LinkedIn

升學 – 範例二(補充沒有回答特別完整的問題)

Hi [Interviewer’s Name],

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know my story. It was such a pleasure to learn about [School]’s community and what makes the [School] experience unique. I’m very excited about the opportunity to attend and learn from a diverse community so we can collectively impact our respective fields.

Also, upon reflection, I felt that I didn’t fully share [XXX](這邊用來補充面試中沒有回答得很好的部分 / 或是提供更多資訊). As such, I would like to take a moment to elaborate a bit more here. [XXX](本段深入提及你想補充的內容、或是針對面試問題提供另一個解法)

I really enjoyed hearing your perspective on how [School] helps students grow not only personally and professionally, and how to balance academic courses and extracurricular engagement in the [School]’s community. At [School], being able to make connections with students, clubs, or webinars will enable me to identify and strengthen my leadership style. And I’m really looking forward to being a part of this community.

Thank you again for your time. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to have an informative conversation. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you require any additional information from me. 

Best Regards,
[Your Name]
Tel: +886 (912) 345-678 | Email: XXX@gmail.com | LinkedIn

常見 Q&A


在多個候選人的背景經驗、硬&軟實力等多項條件都相似時,感謝信才會產生較大的加分作用。這封信不僅展示了你的禮貌和尊重,還提供了一個機會,讓你多一個機會展示自己。因為身為申請者,在每一個環節都盡力做到最好,才能夠安心等待 Offer!


你應該在面試結束後的 1~2 天(最好是 24 小時內)寫一封 Follow-up 郵件,這樣可以確保你的感謝信能夠及時到達(在面試官做出決定或是把筆記 pass 給下一關的人之前)並為自己錦上添花。


💡 提醒:請記得一定要在面試的最後詢問面試官的 E-mail,尤其是工作面試,通常你在事前不會知道面試官的郵箱或聯繫方式。



感謝信讓我錦上添花,面試隔一天直接收到哥大 MBA Offer!我自己就通過感謝信去補充當時面試沒有回答好的問題,而這個故事希望能鼓勵更多的人在適當的時候向面試官表達感激之情。在面試後不要馬上鬆懈,嘗試寫一封真誠的感謝信,讓它成為我們在人生旅程中的一把鑰匙,打開更多機會的大門!

\\ 留學&求職資源彙總 //

  • 💰 雅思 IELTS 報名 $500 折價券:「點我」填問卷即可領取
  • 🎯 OfferLand 落點分析:「點我」獲得 Jason 學長精選的留學顧問免費諮詢!
  • 📚 我寫的電子書:「輸入優惠碼:blog100」獲得履歷 CV、SOP 文書、英文面試攻略專屬折扣

\\ 我提供的留學&職涯服務 //

  1. 📝 履歷 CV 精修&深度諮詢打造你的優質 CV!透過專業深度諮詢&潤飾,找到閃光點讓你大放光彩! 一同討論故事、找到自我定位和優勢,獲得更多面試機會!
  2. ✍🏻 文書編修&深度諮詢(SOP, PS, CV, 推薦信)超過百人好評!帶你精準表述自身經驗,為成功錄取夢校鋪路! 從故事挖掘、架構調整到語言修飾,全方位讓申請文書煥然一新,一起寫出有邏輯且吸引人的故事!
  3. 📌 模擬面試(求職&留學):1 對 1 狙擊弱點、實戰提升熟練度提高面試通過率|深挖優勢、練就自信,一次練習全面提升,從容應對面試!全方位支持,為你開啟職場新篇章!

\\ 我架設了「OfferLand.cc 留學&職涯一站式平台」 //

  1. 🎯 申請落點:查詢 4,600+ 申請落點數據,精準定位選校策略
  2. ⭐️ 面試題庫:140+ 留學面試資料庫,一起促進資訊對稱
  3. 🌐 論壇:瀏覽 350+ 優質文章

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